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Numbering equations with line breaks

I encountered this problem while trying to write some equations in Typst:

I had this piece of code that I expected would number every equation in an equation block with line breaks:

#set math.equation(
  numbering: "(1)",
  number-align: bottom,

$ I_"R1" &= U_"R1" / R_1 \ 
 &= (I_0 dot (R_1R_2) / (R_1+R_2)) / R_1 \
 &= I_0 dot R_2 / (R_1+R_2)

However, only the final equation was numbered.


The expected behaviour was this:


It turned out I had to import another package called equate in order to get the above format. Make sure to disable sub-numbering by including this code:

/* Import this package to improve equation numbering */
#import "@preview/equate:0.1.0": equate

/* Setting for math equations */
#set math.equation(
  numbering: "(1)",
  number-align: bottom,

#show: equate.with(
  sub-numbering: false,